7 Tips To Help Protect Your Empath Energy


Do you feel easily impacted by other people’s emotions and moods? If you feel like you’re able to recognise emotions in others easily or recognise someone’s feelings quicker than others, it’s likely you’re an empath.

An empath is someone who is highly sensitive - whilst this is a wonderful trait and can allow you to understand and share the feelings of others, it can oftentimes feel intense. Being able to deeply recognise what someone's going through is an incredible ability, however, as an empath, you’re likely to feel significantly impacted by someone’s emotions and it may feel as though you’re taking on their feelings.

Depending on your energy levels, there are even subtle things that can often impact an empath’s energy: loud noises and bright lights can be overstimulating, and intense TV shows or movies can be a challenge to deal with emotionally. Even talking with someone who is experiencing intense emotions can be too much.

As an empath, I have experienced this myself which is why I’d love to share with you what I do to protect my empath energy and help me navigate the world as a highly sensitive person.

1. Setting boundaries

Creating and setting healthy boundaries is important for everyone, but if you’re an empath, setting boundaries in relationships can be a really useful tool to incorporate into your life. As an empath, you may often feel like you’re not only carrying your own emotions but also the ones from those around you making it difficult to differentiate which are and which aren’t yours. Learning how to set boundaries will help you differentiate energies as well as protect your energy as a highly sensitive person.

When boundaries are set, you’re able to learn how to say “no” more, how to step away from situations that don’t serve you, and how to prioritise self-care, because for an empath, looking after your needs is essential.

For example, you may have someone in your life - a friend, partner or family member - that you find drains your energy. When you define boundaries with them, you decide how much of your energy they get at one given time. Setting boundaries with this person might look like only seeing them on certain days a week, taking time to reply if they call or message you, or telling them that you can’t accept their invitation to an event if you’re feeling drained. 

Personal boundaries allow you to define how much of your energy is used in spending time with others and take back control of where your energy flows in order to protect you from burning out and feeling emotionally overwhelmed.

2. Journaling

In the moments you feel overwhelmed with emotion, a great way to expel some of this energy is through journaling. When you put pen to paper and allow yourself to write freely, it can release some built up emotion in the mind that you may not even know you had.

The benefits of journaling are endless, and allow you to get a grasp on what you’re feeling, and even why you’re feeling that way. This can lead you to take action on the things that are causing you to feel anxious, sad or depleted, as perhaps the root of the emotion you’re feeling wasn’t clear before you began to journal.

If you’re wondering how to start journaling, you can find some amazing journaling prompts online, or you can try these to get you started:

  • What are three things you would not change about this exact moment?

  • When was the last time you did something that brought you genuine happiness? Describe that experience.

  • What do you wish someone would ask you about right now? Write as if you are answering them.

  • I find myself in full-body awareness when I am… 

  • I am shielding myself from energy drainers by… 

  • I allow myself alone time when I feel… 

  • The reason I felt drained today was because of

To get into the habit of journaling, perhaps try to start by using prompts, but if free writing is more your thing you could start by writing a page or two every morning or evening to process how you’re feeling - or even, pick up your journal whenever you feel overwhelmed or overstimulated to work out why. There’s no wrong or right way to journaling, only YOUR way.

3. Meditate

Meditation is a great technique for empaths when you’re feeling overwhelmed or triggered. You can learn to meditate to feel connected to yourself and the present moment by grounding down into the here and now - meditation works to re-balance your energy and create a sense of calm in the body and mind.

Meditation is a great technique to recognise your own feelings and replenish your energy levels, allowing you to be more resilient to others and situations that make you feel drained.

Closing down your eyes and tuning back into yourself is a tool you can learn and incorporate anywhere, and the beauty of meditation is that it can be done by anyone, anywhere - there is no “best way to meditate,” because everyone’s idea and incorporation of meditation are different.

If you’re finding it difficult to meditate, I’d encourage you to try: There’s a meditation/visualisation in my free guide to Connect, Trust and Align or try Sarah Blondin’s collection of meditations on Insight Timer, here is one of my favourites.

4. Visualisation

When you know you’re going to be in a situation that may be difficult, or is going to be draining for you emotionally - such as being amongst a large group of people, or you’re going to be having a difficult conversation - there is a visualisation technique I LOVE and encourage you to try in order to help you protect yourself from taking on other people’s emotions.

Visualisation tools allow you to create a sense of security within yourself and distance yourself from people emotionally, so you don’t drain your energy in the conversation or event.

Visualisation exercise to try: Imagine you have a glass wall between you and the person you’re speaking to - so while you can continue to engage in conversation with them, you’re protected from taking on their emotions as they reflect back out by the glass wall between you.

5. Grounding in nature

Nature provides us with a really calming, grounding effect, which can help clear and calm your mind. Being close to the earth has many benefits, and for empaths, sitting to notice the world around them can bring a sense of calmness.

Grounding in nature helps you feel more connected to your emotions and allows you to anchor into the moment. Taking time to notice the beauty around you, the benefits of nature are endless.

Top Tip: if you’ve got a pet at home, grab them for a cuddle too and envelop yourself in love - my cat Augustus is always up for a snuggle with me, and it always leaves me feeling calm and grounded.

6. Setting intentions with crystals

Crystals are proven to have incredible benefits for all emotions and situations. You can use crystals for intention setting and releasing any unwanted energy - such as feelings of overwhelm, stress or pain.

When you’re feeling anything that is not contributing to you positively, you can do some intention setting exercises with your crystals to help protect and move through you from the feelings that are coming up.

My favourite crystals for empaths, and the properties they offer, are:

  • Black tourmaline: this crystal creates an energetic boundary between you and others, this is my favourite crystal as an empath and I carry it in my pocket almost everywhere I go. Whenever I feel I need to reinforce my energetic boundary I give it a squeeze.

  • Rose quartz: this pink crystal can help push away negative feelings by giving you the feeling of unconditional love, and provides grounding and healing to the heart centre.

  • Amethyst: to help trust in your intuition, amethyst heights and sharpens your spiritual connection, allowing you to know what feelings are your own, and what’s being absorbed from others.

  • Lepidolite: this crystal increases the power of the ones it is in company with (so be sure to always keep this one in your bag/pocket along with black tourmaline!), and eases the anxieties that commonly occur for empaths.

  • Malachite: this beautiful green crystal helps to remove emotional blockages that occur from stressful situations. It also helps to absorb any negative feelings you may be holding inside to keep you clear and open to feel your best self.

7. Plan for emotional overload

Unfortunately we sometimes just can’t avoid overwhelming situations. Therefore, being prepared can help you to avoid unexpected emotional overload, and help you find tools that work for you in difficult situations.

Note down what triggers you, and figure out a plan for each situation - what can you do to ease your discomfort when these situations play out?

Some of these situations will involve boundaries that need to be set, and some will be situations where you need to know when to excuse yourself. 

Another good idea would be to plan a “recovery day” for you to reset, re-energise and refuel yourself when you feel you’ve hit your emotional overwhelm. Plan some things that you know you love to do - watch your favourite show, take a bath, eat your favourite food - whatever makes you feel loved and safe.

I hope these tips come in handy to help you protect your empath energy. Remember, being an empath or highly sensitive person is a gift and the more you can embrace it, the freer and more embodied you’ll feel within yourself.

If you’re interested in learning more about living a joyful and nourishing life as an empath, take a look at my coaching offering which provides one-to-one guidance to help you feel fully supported and seen as your true self. I work to allow you to connect deeper with your intuition and help you create a nourishing life for yourself, in alignment with your human design and empathic gifts.

Marina Pomar
Intuitive Empath Coach


Hi! I’m Marina,
an Intuitive Empath Coach guiding empaths to awaken their intuition & create an intuitively guided life and business.

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