Business & Marketing For Your Human Design Type


As an intuitive woman, business coach and online business manager, it’s important for me to lean into my strengths to help my business succeed. I work to help other women create a life and business that’s deeply guided by their intuition - and I find one of the most important tools to succeed in this field is by aligning with your human design profile.

Everyone has a different path to success in this world, and our human design profile allows us to tap into a strategy that works best for us. This strategy will help you market yourself effectively, work to your heart’s best schedule, and create effortless results.

Discover more around the basics of human design and how you can use your human design profile to create tangible success in your business below.

What is human design?

Human design brings together the principles of The I Ching and astrology to create a chart that is unique to you and your genetic and spiritual makeup.

The chart is calculated using your birth date, time and place, to reveal your unique self. The chart contains different “centers”, “gates” and “channels” which relate to how we express ourselves, and we are also given an overall “profile.”

Human design is an excellent tool for understanding yourself on a deeper level, and you can use this information to make more informed and conscious decisions around how you live and operate your business.

If you’re interested in finding out more about your human design, you can use BodyGraph to calculate your unique profile.

What are the different human design profiles?

There are five different human design profiles: manifestors, generators, manifesting generators, projectors and reflectors.

These different human design types have their own unique set of personality traits that can give you insight into how you work, live and perform best in everyday life, and can help you create a blueprint for moving through life in the best way for you.

How can I use human design for business?

Have there been times when running your business you’ve felt overwhelmed, burnt out, or unmotivated? The more we force ourselves to push on when we aren’t energetically aligned with the task at hand, the more we push ourselves into a place of burn out, emotionally, spiritually and mentally.

Your human design profile can help you understand how you avoid all of this and stay on track by bringing to your awareness how you work best. Using this knowledge you can create a suitable schedule to suit your unique profile.

Generator & Manifesting Generator Strategy: To respond

Two of the most common profiles are the manifesting generator profile and the generator profile. Whilst both are unique in their own way, they both have the same strategy which is to respond.

Both profiles are motivated by things that spark joy in them - often that can be a lot of different things, and to outsiders their energy may seem chaotic, but to these profiles, they love to allow their energy flow to what lights them up, and this can be multiple things at once.

Responding to the world around them allows the high energy and motivation of these profiles to find satisfaction in their business, and avoid frustration. Their open and enveloping aura allows them to learn new things, but more importantly, develop an open dialogue with themselves.

If you’re a generator or manifesting generator, know that you don’t need to wait around doing nothing until you find something to respond to. There are always things you can be doing to move your business forward whilst waiting to respond because actually, there is always something to respond to. The most important thing for you as a generator or manifesting generator is to develop self-awareness. The sacral response is felt in the body, and therefore developing awareness will help you pick up on what you are feeling most drawn to do and/or create within your business. 

The one thing I want to highlight here is: no action is always better than the wrong action. If you are feeling unsure about something, it is still a no. Be aware of not jumping onto things that are not a full-body yes.

Projector Strategy: Wait for the invitation

Thriving in environments where they are able to lean into the energy of others, projectors are incredible leaders. Their wisdom comes from seeing others, a system, or a concept, in a new and unique way. Solving problems and showing others how to best use their energy is a key element of a projector’s profile, however they need to pay attention to how much energy they have and can give - and must honour when they need to pull away for moments of rest.

The strategy of a projector is to wait for the invitation; projectors are not comfortable with forcing connection, and much prefer to be asked, rather than be the one asking. However in business this can pose some challenges when it comes to networking and putting yourself and your business out there.

Instead of worrying about how you’re going to get your name out there - think about focusing on how you can make yourself, and your business visible, by sharing your unique gifts and vision of the world with others. Your visibility creates magnetism and space for others to come into your space - the clearer you can be on what you have to offer, the more you’re able to show up in the world in a way for others to see, connect and resonate!

Manifestor Strategy: To inform

Manifestors are confident in their decision-making skills, and are self-sustained thinkers that approach situations, business and life in an independent way. A defined throat-center enables manfiestors to be able to inform their audience in a clear way, and are excellent at speaking their truth with ease.

Those with a manifestor profile are drawn to different things, and should trust what they’re being guided towards in order to be the leaders and decision-makers of their own lives. Thriving in initiation, they can create incredible things when they feel lit-up; manifestors are here to make the first move, and they don’t need permission from anyone else to drive their focus.

With a strategy to inform, manifestor profiles need to think about how they share their message to inform their audience. Your approach to this world is unique, so think about how you can share this message to create the most impact with your audience. It’s all about passing on your unique knowledge and approach!

Reflector Strategy: Wait for the lunar cycle

A wise observer, the reflector has an incredible gift of reading others. Their contemplative mindset means they make their decisions by letting situations unfold over time, allowing them to be slowly guided towards their choices.

Reflectors are mirrors that magnify the world around them, and allow others to see the gifts they possess and hold. Their deep introspective nature offers them a mystical view of life because of their openness to offer a mirror to others.

The strategy for reflectors is to wait for the lunar cycle. As deep and intuitive thinkers, reflectors need time to process their thoughts and feelings over decisions before they make a final choice. Waiting a full lunar cycle before making a choice allows reflectors to move with their emotions through the phases of the moon, before coming to a place of comfort with their choices.

In business, reflectors can use this strategy to their advantage by giving those big decisions and business ideas time to marinate; rushing choices will lead them to feel out of alignment and overwhelmed. If you’re a reflector, let situations unfold, and allow time to be the key driver to make your decisions - this will allow the best results to come to you!

Whatever your human design profile, allowing these strategies to guide you when making big business choices will allow you to work to your best ability, without reaching a stage of burn-out or discomfort.

If you’re interested in learning more about your human design, take a look at my coaching offering which provides one-to-one guidance to help you feel fully supported and seen as your true self. I work to allow you to connect deeper with your intuition and help you create a nourishing life for yourself, in alignment with your human design and gifts.

Marina Pomar
Intuitive Empath Coach


Hi! I’m Marina,
an Intuitive Empath Coach guiding empaths to awaken their intuition & create an intuitively guided life and business.

Connect, Trust and Align

A set of audios to help you deepen your intuitive gifts 🤍


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